Writing A Fractal Story
Since 1998
I have given the following writing assignment in Math 409, Mathematics through
Computers. Math 409 is a course on fractals and chaos for pre-service
teachers (K-8).
assignment is to write a 3 - 5 page story for children in grades 2 - 6. The
story must convey the essence of a specific fractal selected by the
writer from a set of fractals studied in the course. The story must
explain the following properties of the fractal:
2) a
repeating process that does not stop
3) the
change in scale which occurs as the process repeats
The only
"advice" given on writing the story is the suggestion to create a
fairy tale or fable.
In each
semester, several of the students are asked to read their stories to the Math
409 class. In addition, some of the stories have been read to second,
third and fourth grade classes at the DiLoreto Elementary School in New
Britain, CT. The students who have read their stories to elementary
school classes report back on their experience to the class.
At the end
of the semester, students are asked to comment on the impact of this assignment
on how they understand fractals. Many of them comment on the role of
creativity in exploring mathematical ideas.
While some
common approaches occur in the stories created, many students have written
imaginative stories that capture fractal properties in a fascinating and
entertaining fashion.