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MAA CP I1 Enlivening Multivariate Calculus


Saturday, August 3, 2002, 3:15 pm - 5:15 pm


Sarah L. Mabrouk, Framingham State University, Organizer


This session invites papers about the use of applications, unique proofs, projects/assignments, or demonstrations that enliven a Multivariate Calculus course, helping students to explore concepts, to understand the meaning of the mathematics that they study, and to develop an appreciation for Mathematics.  Each presenter is encouraged to discuss how the use of the application, unique proof, project/assignment, or classroom demonstration fits into and enlivens the course, how its use helped/motivated students to learn course material, to explore course concepts, and/or to develop a greater appreciation of Mathematics.  Of particular interest are projects/assignments that continue in-class analysis, applications, demonstrations, or proofs, student reaction, and the instructor’s impressions of how the use of such applications, proofs, demonstrations, and/or assignments/projects helped the students to gain a deeper understanding of Multivariate Calculus.


3:15 pm  Arch Mathematics

Robert Hesse, Saint John’s University


3:35 pm  Polar Investigations

James R. Bozeman, Lyndon State College

3:55 pm  Using A Force Table To Motivate Systems

Kelly Black, University of New Hampshire

John B. Geddes, University of New Hampshire


4:15 pm  The Mystery Of The difference of the product of the second partial of f with respect to x and the second partial of f with respect to y and square of the mixed second partial of f with respect to x and then y. Solved

Jeffrey A. Graham, Susquehanna University


4:35 pm  Triple Integrals In The Fourth Dimension

James R. Bozeman, Lyndon State College


4:55 pm  Welcome To 3-Space

Sarah L. Mabrouk, Framingham State University

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Friday, January 08, 2010.