My Favorite Number Theory Proof
August 3, 2019, 9 AM – 11:20 AM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Rooms 207 &
Session Summary:
This session invites presenters to share favorite
number theory proofs suitable for introduction to proofs courses or
undergraduate number theory courses, but not graduate-level number theory
courses. While non-standard proofs for the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic or
the Chinese Remainder Theorem may be submitted for consideration, standard
versions of these proofs and other typical proofs such as the irrationality of
the square root of two, for example, will not be considered. Presenters must do
the full proof, discuss how the proof fits into the course, provide information
regarding prerequisite topics for the proof, and discuss associated areas with
which students experience difficulty and how such concerns are addressed so
that students understand the proof. Presenters are invited to discuss how they
have modified the proof over time, share historical information related to
“classic” proofs, and discuss explorations/demonstrations which they use to
help students comprehend related theorems and topics. Abstracts should include
the theorem to be proved/discussed as well as brief background information.
Summary for Abstracts Booklet:
Presenters share favorite proofs suitable for
introductory proofs or undergraduate number theory courses, giving the complete
proof, discussing how the proof fits into the course, providing information
regarding prerequisite topics, areas of difficulty, and making the proof
accessible for students. Modifications to the proof over time, historical
information, and explorations/demonstrations used to make related theorems/topics
comprehensible for students are discussed.
Organizer: Sarah L. Mabrouk, Framingham State University
9 AM – 9:15 AM |
Modular Arithmetic, and Induction, Oh My! Martha
H. Byrne, Sonoma State University |
For any
natural number n, n3 – n is
divisible by 6. Actually, this is true of any integer as well, and the proof
techniques used don't change. It is well situated in an introduction to
proofs course, as it can be proved in a variety of ways. Many novice proof
writers struggle to find the “right” way to prove a claim to their detriment.
In this talk, the presenter will go over several different proofs and talk
about how to draw out student discussion about proof techniques that bridge
the different approaches and support student understanding of multiple
proving paths. |
9:20 AM – 9:35 AM |
Teaching Strategies to Prove that a Certain Conjecture is Equivalent to
Goldbach’s Conjecture Kristi
Karber, University of Central Oklahoma |
One of the
most famous conjectures in Number Theory authored by Goldbach states, “Every
even integer greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two primes.” It
can be shown that the conjecture, “Every integer greater than 5 is the sum of
three primes,” is equivalent to Goldbach’s conjecture. In this talk we
provide various strategies that can be used to help students understand or
construct a proof which verifies the aforementioned conjectures are indeed
equivalent. Possible strategies include an exploration, as well as an
emphasis on beginning proof writing skills such as utilizing definitions and
proof techniques. A proof will be provided while demonstrating the various
approaches. |
9:40 AM – 9:55 AM |
Bracelets and Wilson's Polygons: Seeing Two Foundational Theorems
Geometrically Adam
J. Hammett, Cedarville University |
every undergraduate course in number theory will include a presentation of
both Fermat's little theorem and Wilson's theorem. Let p be a prime. The
former states that for any given integer n > 0 we must have p | np
– n, and the latter that p | (p – 1)! + 1. Most textbooks include proofs
that, while elegant and brief, tend to labor in the realm of the purely
analytical. However, George Andrews in his Number Theory text [pp.
36-40, Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 1994; MR0309838]
gives remarkably simple, self-contained proofs of these results that rely
only on symmetries of certain colored bracelets (in the case of Fermat) and
special polygons (Wilson). In this talk, we will endeavor to present both of
these gems in their entirety. |
10 AM – 10:15 AM |
Criterion Scott
Williams, University of Central Oklahoma |
If a
is an integer relatively prime to m, then we say a is a
quadratic residue modulo m if a is a perfect square modulo m
(i.e., if Euler's
Criterion: Let p be an odd prime
and let a be an integer not divisible by p. Then One,
possibly more standard, approach to proving Euler's Criterion involves the
use of Fermat's Little Theorem as well as primitive roots. There is, however,
an alternative proof which makes use of various other results discussed in an
Elementary Number Theory course rather than primitive roots; e.g., the
existence of modular inverses and Wilson's Theorem. In this talk we will
discuss how the latter approach provides an excellent opportunity to tie
together numerous concepts which are presented throughout such a course. |
10:20 AM – 10:35
AM |
Polynomials for Quadratic Congruences Modulo Prime Powers Larry
Lehman, University of Mary Washington |
The number of
solutions of a quadratic congruence |
10:40 AM – 10:55
AM |
Exact Power of p Dividing n! Scott
Zinzer, Aurora University |
The Legendre
formula gives the prime factorization of n!.
For a prime p, each factor of p appearing in n! must
arise from a factor of p in one of the integers between 1 and n.
The proof of the Legendre formula for p requires a careful counting of
the number of integers between 1 and n that are divisible by each
power of p. By using a measurement model for division on the number
line, we demonstrate how the greatest integer function provides this count.
We provide some initial motivation previewing why the sum of values of the
greatest integer function successfully counts the exact number of times p
appears as a factor among all of the integers between 1 and n.
Finally, we use geometric sums to rewrite the Legendre formula for p
in terms of the base-p expansion of n. |
11 AM – 11:15 AM |
Silver Version of Dirichlet's Bronze Approximation Theorem Andrew
J. Simoson, King University |
Given a
positive irrational number |
This page was created and is maintained by S.
L. Mabrouk, Framingham State University.
This page was last modified on Wednesday, June 12, 2019.