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Northeastern Section of the Mathematical Association of America (NES/MAA)
Fall 2002 Meeting

November 22-23, 2002
Framingham State University, Framingham, MA


This page provides information about the NES/MAA Fall 2002 Meeting at Framingham State University and links to information about the Meeting. This page will be updated as additional information about the Meeting becomes available.

On-line registration will not be available for this meeting. If you would like to pre-register, you may print out the pre-registration form for the meeting. The registration fee and meal cost information is on the form as well as mailing and contact information. The pre-registration form is available in PDF-format as well as in a MS Word 2000 file that you may download and edit; if you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, click here.

Lodging for the Meeting is available at hotels in Framingham (Best Western, Econo Lodge, and Sheraton) and in Natick (Courtyard By Marriott, Crowne Plaza, and Hampton Inn). Each hotel is offering a special meeting rate for those who call and make reservations; to get the special meeting rate, please use the code NES/MAA. To view basic information, addresses, and rates for area hotels offering special rates for the meeting, click here; this is a PDF-file for which you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Please use these hyperlinks to access driving directions to and a campus map for Framingham State University (the driving instructions, the campus map, and the on-campus parking map are available in PDF-format as well), information about the College, and the weather, community information, local news, and area information for Framingham, Massachusetts. For your convenience, a hyperlink is provided for the campus directory. For more information about on-campus parking, please left-click here. Please feel free to visit the site for the McAuliffe Challenger Center and the Center for Academic Technology to learn more about the College's Wireless Laptop Project.

Inaugural Northeastern Section NeXT

The Northeastern Section is inaugurating a Section NeXT program for new and relatively new colleagues during the Fall meeting. Untenured full time faculty, those who have and have not been National NeXT fellows, are welcome to participate in talks and workshops designed to assist new faculty in their transition from graduate school to professional academic life.

This year's Northeastern Section NeXT program will be held on Friday, November 22, 2002. Charles Vinsonhaler, University of Connecticut, the 1999 recipient of the NES/MAA Distinguished Teaching Award, and Mary Sullivan, Rhode Island College, Chair of SIGMAA in Statistics Education, will be this year's featured speakers. Dr. Vinsonhaler will discuss some Calculus projects that did and did not work, sharing how we learn more from our failures than from our successes. Dr. Sulivan will demonstrate hands-on activities activities that can be used in a first course in Statistics; participants are encouraged to bring a TI-83+. The Northeastern Section NeXT program is available in PDF-format; click here to get Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Those who would like to participate may pre-register using the pre-registration form that is available in PDF-format and MS Word 2000 format. On-campus registration will begin at 10 am in the Fireplace Lounge in the D. Justin McCarthy College Center, and the first presentation begins at 10:30 am.

Meeting Program

The abstracts for the invited addresses may be accessed by clicking the title of the speaker's presentation. Biographical information is available for each of the invited presenters; the speaker information and biographical information is also available in PDF-format. Hyperlinks to web sites for invited speakers and the speaker's affiliation are provided. The PDF file for the Meeting program is available; to download Acrobat Reader, please click here.

The theme, The Changing Face of Mathematics: A Mathematics Sampler, was chosen as a way in which to explore changes in teaching and learning Mathematics. The research and teaching interests of the speakers include Analysis, Algebraic Coding Theory, Algebraic Geometry, Combinatorics, Dynamical Systems, Graph Theory, Lie Groups, Mathematics of Computation, Mathematics Education, Number Theory, Partial Differential Equations, Calculus Reform, and the use of technology in teaching mathematics.

There will be four technology workshops and an assessment workshop during the meeting. Enrollment for the technology workshops is limited, in general, to 25 participants. There is no additional fee for participating in these workshops but pre-registration is required since space is limited. To pre-register for any of the technology workshops, please contact Sarah Mabrouk by phone, (508)626-4785, or by email, smabrouk@frc.mass.edu.

The workshops during the meeting will allow you to learn about technology, using MS Excel to create interactive tools, using the TI-89/TI-92/Voyage 200 in teaching Calculus, using the TI-83 Plus in teaching Statistics, using Geometer's SketchPad 4.0, and to learn about student assessment techniques.

The 2002 Christie Lecture will be given by Carl Pomerance, Lucent Technologies Bell Laboratories and Laura Kelleher, Massachusetts Maritime Academy, the winner of the 2002 Award for Distinguished Teaching for the Northeastern Section of the Mathematical Association of America will give the address Discrete Mathematics In The Schools.

On-campus registration will take place in the Lobby of the Athletic and Recretion Center that is next to Dwight Hall on 2:30 - 6:00 pm on Friday, November 22, 2002 and 8:00 am - 12 pm on Saturday, November 23, 2002. Please remember that you can pre-register for the meeting: simply download the PDF file or the MS Word 2000 file containing the registration form, print out and then fill in the form, and mail it to the address on the pre-registration form.

Meeting Schedule
[Program in PDF-format] [Get Adobe Acrobat Reader]

Friday, November 22, 2002

2:30 - 6:00 pm Registration ARC, Lobby
2:30 - 3:30 pm Executive Committee Meeting VIP Room, CC
3:00 - 5:00 pm

sponsored by the McAuliffe/Challenger Center, Framingham State University
ARC, Lobby


3:00 - 3:50 pm


Ray Griffin, Framingham State University
"Mission Mathematics: Linking Aerospace and the NCTM Standards"
DH Aud.


4:00 - 4:50 pm


Laura L. Kelleher, Massachusetts Maritime Academy
2002 NES/MAA Distinguished Teacher Award Winner
"Discrete Mathematics in the Schools"

DH Aud.

5:00 - 5:50 pm Open-House/Tour of McAuliffe Challenger Center  
5:00 - 5:50 pm

Student Papers

HH 212, 305, 307

5:00 - 5:50 pm

Michelle Hopkins Capozzoli, Framingham State University
Workshop*: "Using The Power Of JMP To Teach Statistics"

HH G01

5:00 - 5:50 pm


Jeff A. Libby, United States Military Academy
Bart D. Stewart, United States Military Academy
Workshop*: "Promoting Visual Cues with 'EXCEL'lent Tools"

HH 208


6:00 - 6:40 pm


Reception with cash bar and hors d’oeuvres
Hosted by the Development and Alumni Relations Office, Framingham State University
McCarthy's, CC
6:45 - 8:00 pm Banquet Forum, CC
8:00 - 8:10 pm Opening Remarks DH Aud.

8:10 - 9:00 pm

Christie Lecture: Carl Pomerance, Bell Laboratories
"Primal Screens"
DH Aud.
9:00 - 9:30 pm

Coffee and Dessert Reception
Hosted by The Alumni Association, Framingham State University
42 Adams Rd.

Building/Room Building/Room Code
Athletic and Recreation Center ARC
D. Justin McCarthy College Center CC
Dwight Hall DH
Hemenway Hall HH
VIP Room in
D. Justin McCarthy College Center
Fireplace Lounge in
D. Justin McCarthy College Center


Saturday, November 23, 2002

8:00 - noon Registration ARC, Lobby
8:00 - 8:50 am New Colleagues Talks HH 305, 307

9:00 - 9:50 am


Dorothy Wallace, Dartmouth College
"Sharing Uncommon Ground: How Will The Case For Numeracy Affect The Mathematics Community"
DH Aud.

9:00 - 10:30 am

Mary Ann Connors, Westfield State College
Workshop*:"Statistics With The TI-83 Plus (TI-83 Plus Silver Edition)"
HH 307


9:00 - 10:30 am


Tom Lee, Waterloo Maple, Inc.
Workshop*: "Maple In The Academic Environment: A Practical Introduction To Mathematical Technology"
HH 208

10:00 - 10:30 am Break ARC, Lobby
10:30 - 11:20 am

Emma Previato, Institute For Advanced Study
"Algebra, Geometry And Physics: The Dynamics Of Adding And Multiplying"
DH Aud.

11:30 am - Noon Business Meeting DH Aud.
12:00 - 1:00pm Lunch Forum, CC
1:00 - 1:50 pm

Thomas Koshy, Framingham State University
"Fibonacci, Lucas, and Graphs"
DH Aud.

2:00 - 2:50 pm

Gilbert Strang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"Pascal Matrices"
DH Aud.

2:50 - 5:30 pm

sponsored by the Office of Career Services, Framingham State University
ARC, Lobby

3:00 - 4:30 pm

Bonnie Gold, Monmouth University
Workshop: "Assessment Of Student Learning In Undergraduate Mathematics"

DH Aud.

3:00 - 4:30 pm

Mary Ann Connors, Westfield State College
Workshop*: "Calculus With The TI-89/TI-92 Plus/Voyage 200"
HH 307


3:00 - 4:30 pm


John Lutts, University of Massachusetts – Boston
Workshop*: "The Geometer’s SketchPad (GSP4): A Tool For Exploration, Conjecture and Experiment in High School Geometry"
HH 208

3:00 - 3:40 pm

Panel Discussion
"What Can I Do With A Mathematics Major?"

Organizer/Moderator - Sarah Mabrouk, Framingham State University

Panelists - Jonathan DeVicarius, Student, Framingham State University
  Emily Blood, Dana Farber
Michelle Capazzoli, Framingham State University
Cathy Dufresne
Paul Dufresne, Quincy Hospital
Aaron Gong, Natick Labs
Earl Hopkins


HH 212

3:45 - 4:30 pm

Panel Discussion
"Why Should I Go To Graduate School?"

Organizer/Moderator – Sarah Mabrouk, Framingham State University
Panelists - Emily Blood, Dana Farber
  Michelle Capazzoli, Framingham State University
Cathy Dufresne
Paul Dufresne, Quincy Hospital
Suzanne Szwarc, Graduate Student, Harvard School of Public Health
HH 212

4:30 - 5:30 pm

Contributed Papers

HH 115, 101A, 101B, 305, 307

Building/Room Building/Room Code
Athletic and Recreation Center ARC
D. Justin McCarthy College Center CC
Dwight Hall DH
Hemenway Hall HH
VIP Room in
D. Justin McCarthy College Center
Fireplace Lounge in
D. Justin McCarthy College Center


Call For Student Papers
Students (and recent graduates) are invited to present 10 to 15 minute on expository work, research projects, employment experiences, or problems from mathematical periodicals and topics in mathematics, statistics, or computer science. The registration fee and cost of meals will be waived for one student presenter per paper. To submit a student paper, please send the abstract, including current address, phone number, e-mail address, and name of a faculty sponsor to Michael Cullinane, mcullina@keene.edu, or Lisa Humphreys, lhumphreys@ric.edu. The deadline for submission of abstracts is Friday, November 2, 2002.

Michael Cullinane
Mathematics Department
Keene State College
Keene, NH 03435
Lisa Humphreys
Mathematics Department
Rhode Island College
Providence, RI 02908

Call For Contributed Papers
Participants are invited to submit contributed papers that will appeal to a variety of participants. Those planning to make a presentation about their research should keep in mind that since the audience may not be familiar with the results presented, providing motivation and context for the work will make the presentation more accessible and more comprehensible for those in attendance. The deadline for submitting abstracts for contributed papers, presentations of approximately 15 minutes in length, for the Fall Meeting is November 1, 2002. To submit an abstract for a contributed paper, please send the abstract, your mailing address, and a list of any special equipment that needed to Tommy Ratliff at tratliff@wheatonma.edu; while email submissions are preferred, typed contributed paper submissions may also be sent to

Tommy Ratliff
Department of Mathematics
Wheaton College
Norton, MA 02766.

Call For New Colleagues Talks
New faculty are invited to submit papers for the New Colleagues Talks. The purpose of these talks is to introduce new colleagues to the Section. The talks should focus on either research or pedagogical activities. For research presentations, it will be helpful to provide some background and motivaiton for the presentation since the audience members may be unfamiliar with the research area. New Colleagues Talks should be 15 minutes in length. Please submit an abstract of 25 words or less, information about any special equipment needed, and contact information including address, telephone number, and email address to Philip Hotchkiss at photchkiss@wisdom.wsc.ma.edu or Chris Aubuchon at aubuchoc@badger.jsc.vsc.edu. While email submissions are preferred, typed submissions may be sent to

Philip Hotchkiss
Department of Mathematics
Westfield State College
Westfield, MA 01086
Chris Aubuchon
Department of Mathematics
Johnson State College
337 College Hill
Johnston, VT 05656

The deadline for submission of abstracts for New Colleagues Talks is Friday, November 2, 2002.

Parking for the meeting will be available in the Maple Street Lot and in the Maynard Street Lot; left-click here to view the on-campus parking map. To park on-campus, you will need a parking permit. When your registration is received, a parking permit and an on-campus parking map will be sent to you in the mail; this parking permit is valid only for parking in the Maple Street and Maynard Street lots. A shuttle bus will be pick up people from the Maple Street Lot and take them to the center of Campus in front of May Hall approximately every 10 to 15 minutes. Since Framingham State University is on a hill, there is an incline on the walk from each parking lot to the center of campus. The walk from the Maynard Street Lot to campus is steeper than the walk from the Maple Street Lot to campus. Special needs/circumstance parking will be available for those who must park closer to campus. Please contact Sarah Mabrouk to make arrangements for special needs/circumstance parking.

Program Chair
Sarah L. Mabrouk

Local Arrangements Coordinator
Sarah L. Mabrouk

Abstracts and Biographical Information for Speakers | Lodging | Northeastern Section NeXT | NES/MAA Home Page | MAA Home Page | S. L. Mabrouk's Home Page

This page was created and is maintained by Sarah L. Mabrouk, Framingham State University.

This page was last modified on Monday, November 18, 2002 .